Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Make Search Engines Work for You

Make Search Engines Work for You Surfing the net continues to simplify. But, if you use search engines, there are some things you should know. Justin Osmer, a project manager for MSN, offers computer users a few key tips. ANCHOR LEAD: Looking online for an air conditioner but keep coming up with oxygen and hair products? Jon McNally has more. (:60) SCRIPT: Lifestyles, I’m Jon McNally. Surfing the net continues to simplify. But, if you use search engines, there are a few tips you should know. Justin Osmer is a project manager for MSN. Justin, do you have any tricks of the trade? CUT: (Osmer) If you put quotation marks around what you’re looking for, that’ll help you find it much more easily and will give you back a result that exactly matches that term. So for example, given the hot summer days these days, if you’re going for an air conditioner, you put quotation marks around air conditioner, you’ll get results back that say that exact phrase, rather than a bunch of results that may just be about air and a bunch that may be about conditioner. SCRIPT: Are there any innovations at MSN’s search engine? CUT: (Osmer) Well, something new that just launched this last week is the opportunity for a local search, and at MSN.com at the top of the search box there you’ll see a link to local search, and what local search does is provide you with local information that has addresses and phone numbers coupled with a map. SCRIPT: That’s Lifestyles from MSN. I’m Jon McNally. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Produced for MSN Arizona Search Engine Optimization

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