Tuesday, August 31, 2004

MoreGoogle (not from Google): add features to Google - including Thumbnails

Get more useful search results with MoreGoogle!


Blacklisted by Google: Is Your Company Next? Working with the wrong SEO firms costing some big. Thousand Oaks, CA (PRWEB) August 24, 2004 -- Qualified shoppers and profitable returns have made search engine advertising and optimization the darlings of the online advertising world. But choosing to work with the wrong search engine optimization (SEO) firm can get your company banned from some search engines, including the industry’s giant, Google. A new book, Search Engine Advertising, Buying Your Way to the Top to Increase Sales (New Riders Publishing 2004), sheds light on a few tactics that endanger web site owners of losing the rankings they currently have, or having their sites completely removed from the search engines’ databases. Companies that outsource their optimization campaigns are at risk of hiring firms that engage in search engine spam. “While there are a number of great SEO firms available,” says author Catherine Seda, “there are some involved in practices that search engines don’t like. The problem isn’t that the SEO firms get banned. It’s their clients who pay the consequences.” In a recent forum on WebProWorld, one user stated that her web site, as well as 10 others, has been banned by Google because of the alleged use of doorway pages created by an SEO firm. Doorway pages are loaded with keywords and often contain hidden links then placed within advertisers sites, and are discouraged by Google in its online Webmaster information. According to Seda, another common spamming tactic of shady SEO firms is to post thousand of links to client web sites inside guestbooks or classified ads. Search engines, such as Google, place significant weight on the link popularity of a web site. “There is a right way to boost your site’s link popularity,” says Seda. “Secure links from content-relevant site that have already achieved high rankings. Think quality, not quantity. And if you want to hire an SEO firm, ask how they get rankings for their clients.” Catherine Seda is teaching a groundbreaking search engine seminar series in several U.S. cities this fall.

SEO Marketing Resources

SEO Expert

Monday, August 30, 2004


Search Engines Like Google Make Memorable Web Addresses for Products and Services More Important Than Ever A common belief that search engines like Google make specific web addresses relatively unimportant is wrong, states psychologist Susan D. Griffith, Ph.D., who studies effective use of the Internet. In fact, memorable Internet names are more important for advertising than ever before. (PRWEB) August 25, 2004 -- All businesses need targeted, memorable web addresses this century, but most businesses don't have them, maintains a psychologist who studies effective use of the Internet. "All businesses today are online businesses, whether sales take place via the Internet or not. All businesses today need web addresses just as much as they need telephone numbers, and good, memorable web addresses are more important than ever." A common belief is that search engines like Google make specific web addresses, that is, Internet domain names, relatively unimportant. “That is not true,” asserts psychologist Susan D. Griffith, Ph.D. “As in other areas of branding, names are everything, and memorable names on the Internet are more important than ever before.” Telephone numbers are generally not retained in memory, unless they are associated with words--a telephone directory is necessary to list the telephone numbers of most places consumers might want to call. "A wonderful feature of the Internet is that web addresses are accesible by letters and words. There is no need for an Internet directory, that is, a search engine, when we can remember the name of the place we want to visit on the Internet," Griffith remarks. Search engines are effective in sending motivated traffic for a first-time visit. But Griffith finds that search engines beget fickleness. "Google seems so fast that many of us do not remember to keep or search our web browser 'favorites' or 'history'. The search engine itself becomes our friend, our department store, our brand, rather than brand being the individual product or service and its web address." That’s okay with Google, who needs you to forget where you went before so you will have to come back to Google and search again. After all, as America is well aware of late, Google makes a lot of money including paid listings on its search results pages. In fact, Griffith believes one reason search engines have become so important in Internet sales is that many businesses are overlooking the power of the memorable web address both in branding and in attracting web page visitors--and in bringing them back. However, since she "began talking publicly in recent months about memorable web addresses and better use of web pages, I do see some positive change in television advertising with respect to use of appropriate Internet domain names. But there is a lot of room for improvement, ironically especially for big business." Griffith is director of OneBigRoach.com and GrowPuppy.com, groups providing consultation about appropriate web addresses and web pages for business. Her paper Branding and Effective Use of Web Addresses and Web Pages: So This Century, So This Century.com, is featured this month in the online journal PsychologyOfTheInternet.com. That paper outlines principles for effective Internet use by advertisers. Memorable web addresses free Internet surfers of some of their visits to a search engine. "Consumers go directly to web pages they they have been well-invited to visit. Today a business can announce, on television and in print advertising, a web address consumers can remember and can associate with the product or service--like Broadzilla.com for broadband and Mewsick.com for new-age music and like LowCarbBeers.com and LowCarbGroceryList.com for, well, the obvious." Dr. Griffith suggests that advertisers visit websites, like GrowPuppy.com, who list targeted, memorable domain names; "you can buy for a reasonable price domain names pre-selected for your product or service, or you can use those domain name lists as inspiration for your own web address designs." “Ebay, Google and Amazon--they are great--as names for services that work for us and as names that we remember. They are web addresses and brand names in one. We remember them. We do not have to use a search engine to find Google. When we do use a search engine to search for search engines, we find competitive search engines that also interest us and may distract us. But we don’t use a search engine to find Google, because we remember its name, its domain name and web address. And Google retains us as a regular customer, not distracted by the other search engines found in a Google search.” Griffith compares the online customer's experience with that of the mall shopper. At the mall we often need to leave a shop before buying. When we return, if we cannot remember the name of the shop and how to get there, we search for it. We have lots of branding signs to help us and relatively few shoe shops and all look different to us, so we may find the shop we want. If all the shops look the same and all the names of the shops sound the same, we look again, this time not for the shop, but for the shoes we found before. And we may buy our shoes at a different shop. “On the Internet the situation is the same--except that the shops are many, many more in number and all are invisible, appearing before us only when we arrive at them,” says Dr. Griffith. So when we look again for the shoes we want, we may end up buying our shoes at a different online store. That is, "unless we remember that the store we liked was called, for example, HipShod.com. We remember the name and immediately know how to get to that online store. We remember the name because we noticed it on the web page and because we found it memorable." When satisfied consumers find products and services they like, they try to go back to the same web address when they are ready to buy. But a second search by even those prior customers can lead to a different web page from the one they wanted, because they can’t remember the web address where they shopped before. "To be sure, without knowing or remembering the name of online stores or brands, consumers can find a web site offering the product or service they are searching for. But for an individual store or brand to attract its own customers, and keep them, that store or brand must use one or more memorable domain names." "Do not let the only portal to your web pages be a search engine,” Dr. Griffith suggests. A really good web address guarantees the return of a larger percentage of satisfied customers, as well as those new customers they refer. And, “as Internet viruses are seen to affect search engines, we find a new reason not to depend on already inefficient and costly search engines for all your web page visitors." "Use a targeted, memorable web address to encourage your customers to go directly to your web page, and to remember where they visited so they can easily return. You will be reinforcing your brand each time a consumer makes a mental note of your web address--so this century, SoThisCentury.com!”

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Sunday, August 29, 2004

Communists for KERRY

Communists For Kerry Communists for KERRY This Sunday, August 29 th, 2004, hordes of neo-imperialistic running dogs will descend on the freedom-starved city of New York for the so-called "GOP Convention." Communists For Kerry have come up with a plan, to counter this reactionary cabal with a glorious uprising of the unwashed masses. We shall open the gates and bridges of New York to hundreds of thousands of unkempt workers, peasants, and toiling intelligentsia from many towns and villages across our great American motherland.

SEO Expert

Search 101 - Understanding Meta Search Engines Web Search Search 101 - Understanding Meta Search Engines Part 1: What are Meta Search Engines? More of this Feature • Part 1: Meta-Search Engines • Part 2: Why Meta-Search Engine • Part 3: Some Meta-Search Engines Most searchers are familiar with the idea of search engines and directories. meta-search engines, on the other hand, are often misunderstood and under utilized when the need arises for a little bit of power searching. The majority of Internet users don't understand what a meta-search engine is, how it works, or why they would even want to use one. The idea behind a meta search engine is that an Internet user should be able to visit one site, conduct a search, and view the results from multiple search engines on a single results page. Meta-search engines do not create or maintain their own index of Web sites, they simply pass your search query on to other search engines and aggregate the results together for your convienence.

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Astronomy Column for September - September Skies September Skies Silver Star with combat V - Fake claims not uncommon - More John Kerry Controversy Silver Star with combat V Love Quotes

Thursday, August 26, 2004

Smart search - Advanced search engines link many data sources

Smart search By Joab Jackson GCN Staff Advanced search engines link many data sources A commercial search engine ties together multiple pharmaceutical databases for the Food and Drug Administration’s Drug Evaluation and Research Center. A different search engine is helping the Nuclear Regulatory Commission level the mounds of paperwork for upcoming hearings on radioactive waste disposal at Yucca Mountain, Nev. At both agencies, the search engines must interface with widely varying formats and repositories. FDA and NRC decided to give their employees and others access through a browser interface, rather than building data warehouses to aggregate the volumes of information. “The nice thing is that we don’t have to store it all,” said Helen Mitchell, enterprise search product manager at the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, which built a search gateway to 15 data repositories. “All we have to do is point to and index it.” With so many government repositories available, employees often squander time doing the same searches with different search engines, said Dave Connor, federal vice president for search engine provider Convera Corp. of Vienna, Va.

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Sunday, August 22, 2004

What’s the cheapest, most productive place to spend marketing dollars today?

Search Engine Lists


What’s the cheapest, most productive place to spend marketing dollars today? An article to explain Internet marketing for business owners. Tips for getting your site to the top of the search engines—SEO, or search engine optimization. Link to free ranking report. (PRWEB) August 19, 2004 -- A friend sat me down recently and asked me to explain what Internet marketing is. In one respect, it’s marketing your site by getting exposure, but in another respect, it means using the Internet to help people find the site—what we call search engine optimization. I told her about improving the search results for her site, about how the search engines work, and how page content was probably what needed to be fixed. She was nodding all along, but then she asked “But why spend money on the Web site when what I really need to do is increase my sales?” This was one of those EUREKA! moments. “You need more prospects to get more sales.” Suddenly, I realized that she really didn't understand how the Internet works, or that she could literally drive prospects to her site. She simply didn't know that this practical, common sense approach—Internet marketing—is the most productive marketing investment she could make, for the least amount of money, with the fastest return on the investment. And if one smart business owner with a Web site didn’t realize how the Internet landscape has changed over the past two years, there must be thousands more—maybe you’re one of them. By tapping into the power of search engines with a freshly optimized site, you use the Internet to deliver prospective customers—who are actively looking for a solution—right to your door, and can do so without ANY incremental cost. You can also advertise on the search engines, paying only for people who actually visit your site. It’s an exciting time. Even a small business can be the #1 result when people search for your solution—and today, 85% of people with Internet access find new products or services by searching the web (even for well-established brands!). Here's another interesting (or scary) fact: if your site isn't in the top 20 listings, 56% of people won't find you...they just don't look any further. On the positive side, visits from top rankings are up to 4 times more likely to convert into customers. Making it to the top So, getting to the top of the search engine results list is important. On the other hand, there are over 6 billion web pages. What do you do to get your pages to the top? The key to optimization is to realize that the search engines index pages, not sites. Any of your top-level pages can be an entry page. To optimize a site, we concentrate on the page content, making sure that important search terms are there for the search engines to index; for example, “Internet marketing.” We optimize the home page for the two or three most relevant, most used terms, realizing that other pages can be optimized for other terms, e.g. “Internet marketing agency,” or “web marketing.” The basic premise of search engine optimization is that almost every Web site needs tweaking to improve the productivity of the site. Most Web sites are built as a special project by a design team, then maintained by technical people. Marketing of the Web site, either by refining content to match prospect interests or by utilizing other promotional tools, simply doesn't happen, so there's nowhere near the traffic there should be. The ABCs of SEO There is a four-step process to search engine optimization (SEO), understanding that search engines look at meta tags in the HTML document, page content, internal link structure and external link popularity to determine your ranking in the results. 1. Brainstorm, research and analyze the key words and phrases that will draw profitable traffic to your site. 2. Optimize your content against these key words and phrases a. Create pages specific to one or two terms b. Include key word/phrase in title tag c. Write meta descriptions around key word/phrase d. Develop or improve headings and text tailored to key word/phrase e. Incorporate links and alt image tags appropriately 3. Register site with directories, submit optimized pages to search engines a. Free directories and search engines b. Pay-for-inclusion on Yahoo, Inktomi, etc. c. Optional: pay-per-click to quickly increase traffic 4. Monitor the results, tweaking as needed to increase traffic and improve your position in the search results Turning Your Website Outside:In Many companies are disappointed in the results they get from their Web site. They spent a lot of money on design and content…there may be thousands of unique visits recorded, but very few calls are resulting. Most companies have Web sites that reflect an “inside:out” orientation, what we call “brochure ware.” The original purpose was met, to provide information, but as a result, the Web site is like a flyer that is skimmed once and then thrown away. All the money spent on attracting interest from prospects is wasted if the interest isn’t reciprocated. Reaching far beyond a brochure, the Web provides a rich media environment and two-way data-driven communication. This should drive a Web site with an “outside:in” approach, one that is wrapped around the wants and needs of the prospect. Your web site is the most valuable real estate you own. The web provides a single point of access between you and your market—it can offer 360-degree visual tours, spoken testimonials, brochures on demand, discount coupons, references—at the same time it can gather information and deliver follow-up. Especially on the web, successful marketers anticipate the needs of the prospect, and they work constantly to understand “the mind of the market.” Search engine optimization helps your site focus on attracting prospects, giving them exactly what they are looking for. Once prospects get to your site, the images and words you use are important, but they have to be part of a larger sales strategy, one that incorporates powerful, motivating messages and two-way methods of communication. About the Author: John Rasco is founder and CEO of RefreshWeb, a company focused on website marketing, and of Brand X Austin, a marketing services network tailored to the needs of emerging companies.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO Experts

Saturday, August 21, 2004

What’s the cheapest, most productive place to spend marketing dollars today?

What’s the cheapest, most productive place to spend marketing dollars today? An article to explain Internet marketing for business owners. Tips for getting your site to the top of the search engines—SEO, or search engine optimization. Link to free ranking report. (PRWEB) August 19, 2004 -- A friend sat me down recently and asked me to explain what Internet marketing is. In one respect, it’s marketing your site by getting exposure, but in another respect, it means using the Internet to help people find the site—what we call search engine optimization. I told her about improving the search results for her site, about how the search engines work, and how page content was probably what needed to be fixed. She was nodding all along, but then she asked “But why spend money on the Web site when what I really need to do is increase my sales?” This was one of those EUREKA! moments. “You need more prospects to get more sales.” Suddenly, I realized that she really didn't understand how the Internet works, or that she could literally drive prospects to her site. She simply didn't know that this practical, common sense approach—Internet marketing—is the most productive marketing investment she could make, for the least amount of money, with the fastest return on the investment. And if one smart business owner with a Web site didn’t realize how the Internet landscape has changed over the past two years, there must be thousands more—maybe you’re one of them. By tapping into the power of search engines with a freshly optimized site, you use the Internet to deliver prospective customers—who are actively looking for a solution—right to your door, and can do so without ANY incremental cost. You can also advertise on the search engines, paying only for people who actually visit your site. It’s an exciting time. Even a small business can be the #1 result when people search for your solution—and today, 85% of people with Internet access find new products or services by searching the web (even for well-established brands!). Here's another interesting (or scary) fact: if your site isn't in the top 20 listings, 56% of people won't find you...they just don't look any further. On the positive side, visits from top rankings are up to 4 times more likely to convert into customers. Making it to the top So, getting to the top of the search engine results list is important. On the other hand, there are over 6 billion web pages. What do you do to get your pages to the top? The key to optimization is to realize that the search engines index pages, not sites. Any of your top-level pages can be an entry page. To optimize a site, we concentrate on the page content, making sure that important search terms are there for the search engines to index; for example, “Internet marketing.” We optimize the home page for the two or three most relevant, most used terms, realizing that other pages can be optimized for other terms, e.g. “Internet marketing agency,” or “web marketing.” The basic premise of search engine optimization is that almost every Web site needs tweaking to improve the productivity of the site. Most Web sites are built as a special project by a design team, then maintained by technical people. Marketing of the Web site, either by refining content to match prospect interests or by utilizing other promotional tools, simply doesn't happen, so there's nowhere near the traffic there should be. The ABCs of SEO There is a four-step process to search engine optimization (SEO), understanding that search engines look at meta tags in the HTML document, page content, internal link structure and external link popularity to determine your ranking in the results. 1. Brainstorm, research and analyze the key words and phrases that will draw profitable traffic to your site. 2. Optimize your content against these key words and phrases a. Create pages specific to one or two terms b. Include key word/phrase in title tag c. Write meta descriptions around key word/phrase d. Develop or improve headings and text tailored to key word/phrase e. Incorporate links and alt image tags appropriately 3. Register site with directories, submit optimized pages to search engines a. Free directories and search engines b. Pay-for-inclusion on Yahoo, Inktomi, etc. c. Optional: pay-per-click to quickly increase traffic 4. Monitor the results, tweaking as needed to increase traffic and improve your position in the search results Turning Your Website Outside:In Many companies are disappointed in the results they get from their Web site. They spent a lot of money on design and content…there may be thousands of unique visits recorded, but very few calls are resulting. Most companies have Web sites that reflect an “inside:out” orientation, what we call “brochure ware.” The original purpose was met, to provide information, but as a result, the Web site is like a flyer that is skimmed once and then thrown away. All the money spent on attracting interest from prospects is wasted if the interest isn’t reciprocated. Reaching far beyond a brochure, the Web provides a rich media environment and two-way data-driven communication. This should drive a Web site with an “outside:in” approach, one that is wrapped around the wants and needs of the prospect. Your web site is the most valuable real estate you own. The web provides a single point of access between you and your market—it can offer 360-degree visual tours, spoken testimonials, brochures on demand, discount coupons, references—at the same time it can gather information and deliver follow-up. Especially on the web, successful marketers anticipate the needs of the prospect, and they work constantly to understand “the mind of the market.” Search engine optimization helps your site focus on attracting prospects, giving them exactly what they are looking for. Once prospects get to your site, the images and words you use are important, but they have to be part of a larger sales strategy, one that incorporates powerful, motivating messages and two-way methods of communication. About the Author: John Rasco is founder and CEO of RefreshWeb, a company focused on website marketing, and of Brand X Austin, a marketing services network tailored to the needs of emerging companies.

What’s the cheapest, most productive place to spend marketing dollars today?

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East Valley Living Your GUIDE to the East Valley of Phoenix Arizona - Free Business directory, Bar Guide, Restaurant directory and news. East Valley East Valley Community Partners Phoenix Arizona East Valley Community Index 480 Area Code Guide East Valley - Phoenix Arizona - Items, Events, and Entertainment Guide for the Phoenix Arizona 480 area code in the East Valley of Phoenix AZ. 480 Guide will keep you informed about interesting items and happenings in the the area. East Valley Community Partners East Valley SEO Company

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East Valley Living Your GUIDE to the East Valley of Phoenix Arizona - Free Business directory, Bar Guide, Restaurant directory and news. East Valley East Valley Community Partners Phoenix Arizona East Valley Community Index 480 Area Code Guide East Valley - Phoenix Arizona - Items, Events, and Entertainment Guide for the Phoenix Arizona 480 area code in the East Valley of Phoenix AZ. 480 Guide will keep you informed about interesting items and happenings in the the area. East Valley Community Partners East Valley SEO Company

Thursday, August 19, 2004

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Quotes From Famous People: Dolly Parton Quotes

Quotes From Famous People: Dolly Parton Quotes Dolly Parton Quotes

John Kerry On Iraq

John Kerry On Iraq John Kerry On Iraq

PRESS RELEASE: It's over Overture! Seekgeeks.com Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Offers More For Less. 100% More!

It's over Overture! Seekgeeks.com Pay-Per-Click Search Engine Offers More For Less. 100% More! Tired of spending too much money on internet advertising? What if there was a pay per click search engine that matched your deposits dollar for dollar. There is, and has been for almost 3 years www.Seekgeeks.com Seekgeeks.com is setting new standards in internet Pay Per Click advertising, and its advertisers love it. Since the launch of the Seekgeeks.com website almost 3 years ago thousands of advertisers have signed up to take advantage of the 100% match funds in advertising. (PRWEB) August 14, 2004 -- Why not? It makes perfect $ense! Why would you want to advertise where your say $25.00 deposit is only worth $25.00 when at Seekgeeks.com that same deposit is worth $50.00 because when you make a deposit in your advertising account they will match it, not only on your first deposit but every deposit. Not to mention with keyword bidding starting at only .01 per click your deposit will go much further then on most other pay per click search engines. Companies like Google, overture, find what, etc. have been known to get as much as $13.00 per click on some major keywords, and they would never consider matching your deposit 100%. A sale generated by your advertising campaign is no better because you paid $13.00 per click then if you only paid .01 per click it still means the same thing, a sale. So stop wasting your advertising money on high priced search engines who only care about their bottom line, and get more (100% more) for less with seekgeeks.com

The Easiest Search Engine Marketing Campaign for Your Business—Ever!

The Easiest Search Engine Marketing Campaign for Your Business—Ever! “Get back to the business of your business!” declares Smartrooster.com CEO…Is This Complicated, Or What? “Pay-per-click…results relevancy…keywords…rankings…partner sites…search engine optimization…Google Dance Syndrome!” Curtis Houts, Owner and CEO of the hottest breakthrough search engine for local businesses, Smartrooster.com, throw his hands up in disgust. “Then there are software packages and consultants! If you’re a local business owner, you need to ask yourself if you’ve got time for all this?” “Smartrooster.com is a no-frills, no-nonsense search engine that’s ideal for small-to-medium sized local businesses,” he continues. “We offer you zero annoying pop-up ads that can scare potential customers away. Plus, you control your own listings in seven different categories ‘On Demand’ from the moment you join! And,” Houts adds with a smile, “it’s easy, fast, and fun! You’ll never have to tweak and resubmit your sites again—unless you want to. Can Google or Overture say that?” (PRWEB) August 14, 2004 -- The Truth about Search Engine Rankings Curtis Houts, “You’ll be bidding against the big boys with deep pockets like, say, AT&T for those precious key words that promise higher rankings. If you run your company’s marketing on a shoestring budget like most small businesses, don’t expect to have it show up on the top ten local search results of Google, MSN, Overture, or any of the other behemoths pretending to offer pinpoint results. It’ll never happen!” “And if you rely strictly on Google rankings for the bulk of your online sales, don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” warns Houts. “At any given moment, your site could be caught up in their current algorithm nightmare—the Google Dance Syndrome--and dumped from the rankings. It could take you weeks to make up all that lost revenue!” “With Smartrooster.com, you can be as creative as you want to be with your website without running the risk of not being listed because you use Flash or Java. Moreover,” states Houts, “you don’t have to worry about how many other sites link to yours. At Smartrooster.com, being listed is not a popularity contest!” “Get back to the business of your business!” “Pay-per-click is great,” says Smartrooster.com “But there’s no need to buy anything special in order to insure that your site gets listed onSmartrooster.com.” He adds, “Save your money for more important things like product development, customer support, and order fulfillment. Get back to the business of your business!” “Besides, “ continues the web consultant, “ever notice how your pay-per-click rates get jacked up without any warning? Makes you wonder whose pockets your pay-per-click dollars are lining!” “We were first with local search!” Web Consultant and CEO of Smartrooster.com, Curtis Houts, dares small to medium sized business owners to see for themselves the accuracy of its local search results. “For the past few years—long before local search became the latest battleground for revenue-hungry paid search services--we’ve been in the business of fine tuning our local search engine to be the most accurate and cost effective tool for connecting businesses to consumers in their own hometowns…for free!” “What Has Your Search Engine Done for You Lately?”

Online Casino Search Engine Rabbitluck.com Launch Pay-Per-Click Solution for Online Casinos, Land Based Casinos and Sportbooks – Free Trial Offer

Online Casino Search Engine Rabbitluck.com Launch Pay-Per-Click Solution for Online Casinos, Land Based Casinos and Sportbooks – Free Trial Offer Advertising For Gambling and Gaming Advertisers Online casinos have a new way to advertise on internet: a few weeks after big search engines and PPC companies dropped online casinos ads, http://www.RabbitLuck.com launches its pay-per-click advertising solution. Online casinos and sportbooks have a new, effective way to advertise on internet. A few weeks after big search engines and PPC companies dropped online casinos ads, http://www.RabbitLuck.com (a leading internet directory to online casinos and online gaming) announces the release their new pay-per-click advertising solution. (PRWEB) August 14, 2004 -- Results are displayed on RabbitLuck.com network and there is a free trial advertising package for those wanting to test drive the system and become familiar with all the tools offered. For every visitor generated to their ad, one credit is subtracted from advertising account. “http://www.rabbitluck.com is fresh and user friendly, our new pay-per-click advertising solution, plus the fact of over 1,000,000 unique visitors daily thru our underlying network Jumpat.com will only serve to strengthen our position as the leading online casino and gaming directory search portal. Everyone is a winner here. " says Jeff Crocker, RabbitLuck.com president. Advertisers which open an account with RabbitLuck.com will have their site listed on 120 search engines in out network as we are averaging 400,000 search clicks per day and Alexa.com is rating our site in the top 2000 sites in the world and that means traffic to your site. Gaming portals which want to profit from this marketing solution can become RabbitLuck.com affiliates and earn extra revenue. "This is a winning solution for casinos, because it allows them to reach the audience of several websites, without soliciting every single website, and provides a consistent image of themselves" says Crocker. "At the same time, it provides fresh and realtime campaign results to every advertiser.” Webmasters joining this program as affiliate can differentiate their souces of revenue and promote several casinos without having to check statistics on dozens of affiliate areas. Estimated growth rate indicates that, by December 2004, RabbitLuck.com networks and its affiliates will represent the widest (for affiliate sites, volume of audience and advertisers) niche market pay-per-visitor network. Love Quotes Chicken Recipes Famous Quotes SMS.ac Chicken Recipes Recipes Tool Cabinet Crockpot Recipes Christmas Songs SMS.ac Candy Recipes Chicken Recipes Tool Storage Funny Quotes Recipes Famous Quotes Holiday Stories

Saturday, August 14, 2004




Search Engine Lists


Internet Marketing

Search Engines Search Terms

Search Engine Optimization

SEO Experts

Famous People on the web

Unfit for Command

Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry
Jerome R. Corsi
Book from National Book Network, Release date: 15 August, 2004

$19.01 at Amazon.com, Not yet released.

The Many Faces of John Kerry
David N. Bossie
Book from WND Books, Release date: 24 July, 2004

$15.39 at Amazon.com, Usually ships within 24 hours

John F. Kerry: The Complete Biography By The Boston Globe Reporters Who Know Him Best (Publicaffairs Reports)
Nina J. Easton
Book from PublicAffairs, Release date: 27 April, 2004

$10.47 at Amazon.com, Usually ships within 24 hours

Scary John Kerry and Vietnam Video

Famous Quotes


Famous People on the web

Unfit for Command

Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry
Jerome R. Corsi
Book from National Book Network, Release date: 15 August, 2004

$19.01 at Amazon.com, Not yet released.

The Many Faces of John Kerry
David N. Bossie
Book from WND Books, Release date: 24 July, 2004

$15.39 at Amazon.com, Usually ships within 24 hours

John F. Kerry: The Complete Biography By The Boston Globe Reporters Who Know Him Best (Publicaffairs Reports)
Nina J. Easton
Book from PublicAffairs, Release date: 27 April, 2004

$10.47 at Amazon.com, Usually ships within 24 hours

Scary John Kerry and Vietnam Video

Famous Quotes

Friday, August 13, 2004

JumpAt.com, LLC enters the search engine advertising market.

JumpAt.com, LLC enters the search engine advertising market. BodyGate.com – just one of JumpAt.com LLC’s new niche search engines - announces a new advertising program that allows sports and fitness companies to test their ability to generate massive traffic through JumpAt.com’s huge online presence. BodyGate.com targets just one specific market – Sports and Fitness. Their lightning fast, focused search engine and directory presents a terrific opportunity for online businesses to take advantage of this traffic to attract consumers directly to their webstore. (PRWEB) August 13, 2004 -- Tom Tsilionis, President and Chief Operating Officer, says, “We’re so confident that our high-volume of visitors, combined with our large “internal” network can provide more value for the advertising dollar than you can get anywhere else on the Internet, that we’re willing to give businesses a FREE trial. Once they experience the results, we know they’ll upgrade to more sophisticated marketing methods offered through our search engine network.” In addition to the NICHE based Pay Per Click search engine, there are Classified Ads, Pop Unders, Banner Ads, Top Category Listings, Search Engine Optimization, Online Training and Much More. An advertiser can reach up to 150,000 people per day with their products or offers. BodyGate is a portal to thousands of links sorted by category, and it grows each and every day as more and more businesses join our database. Whether someone is seeking general industry background or specifics about a particular product, BodyGate.com delivers the most useful and relevant results every time. This is only the beginning. In the coming months, we'll be improving our search utility, expanding our distribution network, and introducing new ways for businesses to reach their advertising goals. To discover the true power of the world’s largest Sports and Fitness search engine, and to get a FREE trial, visit www.bodygate.com for more information. The following portal is powered by Jumpat.com and advertising is powered by the Jumpat.com JumpLink system. For additional information on our portals please visit http://www.jumpatbiz.com. For investment opportunities please contact Thomas Tsilionis at 888-212-4772 Ext. 85 or tomt@jumpat.com

Internet Marketing

Quotes World Famous Quotes

Domain Names - Domain Name Registration Domain Names - Domain Name Registration. Hosting Services. Register Domain names

Famous People on the web

Search Engine Optimization

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Internet Search Survey Results

Internet Search Survey Results August 2004 (Newstream) -- ANCHOR LEAD: Internet search engines are becoming more and more a part of our daily lives as we hear from Matt Kelly. (:59) SCRIPT: Digital Lifestyles, I'm Matt Kelly. What do you look for when you search online? Breaking news? Celebrity gossip? Information about a long lost friend? Maybe you even type in your own name. Surprising results of a new, nationwide survey by MSN and Harris Interactive revealed just how important Internet searches are in our lives and what role they play in our daily routine. MSN's Christine Andrews. CUT: (Andrews) The survey showed that almost half of search engine users use search engines at least once a day because it's the fastest way to get the information they're looking for. To help people find the answers they need more quickly, we launched a new, improved version of MSN Search that increases the relevancy of search results by nearly fifty percent. SCRIPT: While breaking news and celebrity gossip were among the most popular searches, the survey also showed that more than one in three people used the Internet to search for themselves or locate a friend or acquaintance they had lost touch with. That's part of our Digital Lifestyle. I'm Matt Kelly. --------------------------- Produced for MSN CONTACT: Hal Bienstock 212-243-2000

Google Search Engine Ancient History Lesson

Google Search Engine Ancient History Lesson "This is a demo of the Google Search Engine. Note, it is research in progress so expect some downtimes and malfunctions. You can find the older Backrub web page here. Google is being developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin with very talented implementation help by Scott Hassan and Alan Steremberg." Google Search Engine

MercuryNews.com | 08/11/2004 | Internet archivist has modest goal: Store everything

MercuryNews.com | 08/11/2004 | Internet archivist has modest goal: Store everything Internet archivist has modest goal: Store everything By Matt Marshall Mercury News Brewster Kahle, founder of San Francisco's Internet Archive, burns with a mission. He wants to ensure universal access to all human knowledge. And now he thinks that goal is within our grasp. The emergence of cheap data storage technology has made what once seemed a pipe dream distinctly possible -- digitizing and storing the entire Web, the world's 100 million books, 2 or 3 million audio recordings and millions more software programs, TV shows and videos. ``Storing this is a no-brainer,'' Kahle said. He's making what has been digitalized so far freely accessible at www.archive.org. And he's built an ``Internet Bookmobile,'' a van that drives around the country downloading public-domain books from the archive via a satellite Net link. The van recently got kicked out of Walden Pond in Massachusetts for giving away Henry David Thoreau books and upsetting local book merchants. He has also taken the Bookmobile to places that really need it -- Uganda, Egypt, India -- printing out books for children at $1 a piece. And then there's the archive's newer offings -- 15,000 music concerts and 300 feature films.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Famous Quotes - Bill Austin Famous Quotes and Quotations

Famous Quotes

Yahoo! and Google Resolve Disputes

Yahoo! and Google Resolve Disputes SUNNYVALE, Calif. & MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Aug. 9, 2004--Yahoo! Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO) and Google Inc. today announced that the companies have resolved two disputes that have been pending between the companies. Under the terms of the settlement agreement, Google will take a license to U.S. Patent No. 6,269,361 and several related patents, held by Yahoo!'s wholly-owned subsidiary, Overture, and Yahoo! dismissed its patent lawsuit against Google. The two parties have also resolved a dispute regarding shares issuable to Yahoo! pursuant to a warrant to purchase Google shares in connection with a 2000 services agreement. In connection with the settlement of the warrant dispute, the patent lawsuit, and in payment for the license, Google issued shares of its Class A common stock to Yahoo!. About Yahoo! Inc. Yahoo! Inc. is a leading provider of comprehensive online products and services to consumers and businesses worldwide. Yahoo! is the No. 1 Internet brand globally and the most trafficked Internet destination worldwide. Headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif., Yahoo!'s global network includes 25 world properties and is available in 13 languages. About Google Inc. Google is a global technology leader focused on improving the way people connect with information. Google's innovations in web search and advertising have made its website a top Internet destination and its brand one of the most recognized in the world. Google maintains the world's largest online index of websites and other content, and Google makes this information freely available to anyone with an Internet connection. Google's automated search technology helps people obtain nearly instant access to relevant information from its vast online index. Contacts Yahoo! Inc. Nicki Dugan, 408-349-7361 nicki@yahoo-inc.com or Google Inc. Steve Langdon, 650-623-4950 slangdon@google.com starting_a_chan.html AZHTTP Stock Help

Garage Plans from Jack's Design Center at SLIDE-LOK

Garage Plans from Jack's Design Center at SLIDE-LOK Garage Plans Layout your garage Storage Cabinet solution and design your Garage Plans using Jack's Design Center at SLIDE-LOK

Tuesday, August 10, 2004

JupiterResearch - Paid Search Through 2009

Paid Search Through 2009 Rising Cost Per Click Drives Market, Forces Advertiser Efficiency Vision Report August 6, 2004 Executive Summary Paid search will continue to grow faster than any other sector of online advertising, increasing from $2.6 billion in 2004 to $5.5 billion in 2009. A sharp increase in the average cost-per-click is the primary driver of this market, with incremental growth in the number of searches also driving spending. With a majority of search marketers using unsophisticated bid strategies, improved measurement and increased efficiency will be necessary to maintain an effective return on investment. Key Questions How large is paid search spending in the United States, and how quickly will it grow? How will the declining return on investment from paid search affect search marketers? How large is the market for local search advertising, and what will affect its growth? JupiterResearch - Paid Search Through 2009

Friday, August 06, 2004

New Search Engine IceRocket.com

New Search Engine IceRocket.com Search results include thumbnails images archive links and searches by e-mail. Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban is working with the company

Search Terms

World Famous Recipes

Thursday, August 05, 2004

Google Blog - Greets from GoogleGuy!

Google Blog Greets from GoogleGuy! Greets from GoogleGuy! Some other Googlers have stopped by to introduce themselves, so it seems appropriate to say hello. Many Google Blog readers may not have heard the story of how GoogleGuy got started, so forgive this bit of historical rambling. ... Of course, I had to have an online nickname. What if I got sick, or needed to take a break? I needed a handle that someone else could step into if necessary. After not a lot of consideration, GoogleGuy seemed just right. ...

Times Online - Analysis

Times Online - Analysis Search engine bowled a googly By Robert Cole GOOGLE’S founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, say they have no intention of letting their internet search company lead a conventional life. Boys, it is hard to imagine anything less conventional than allowing your firm to become embroiled in a multibillion-dollar mess a few days before you hoped to preside over the most keenly awaited IPO of the year, if not the decade. If one was minded to be extraordinarily generous, one might say that the problems owned up to by Google yesterday were the result of an unfortunate administrative cock-up. There is nothing wrong with lining the paypackets of employees and contractors with shares or share options. For a young company eager to conserve cash it is a sensible strategy to follow. One might have thought that most employees and contractors working for a youthful, unquoted technology company would much prefer to be paid in hard cash rather than flimsy shares. Even for an outfit with the power and promise of Google, it is an achievement for the managers to swing such a cash-saving trick. Google’s mistake was to fail to register the stock and stock options issued to the employees and contractors with the Securities and Exchange Commission, the US financial regulator. Google was obliged to do this in spite of the fact that the company was unquoted when it issued the stock and stock options.

Search engines reveal the narcissistic side of mankind! - News Details, Webindia123.com

Search engines reveal the narcissistic side of mankind! - News Details, Webindia123.com Search engines reveal the narcissistic side of mankind! London | August 05, 2004 4:23:04 PM IST A survey carried out by Harris Interactive for MSN has indicated that mankind seems to be turning increasingly narcissistic with more people looking for themselves online rather than a member of their family. NOTE: Try this Search for Bill Austin According to the Daily Mail, 39 per cent of those queried had searched to see how well known they were on Internet, but only 29 per cent had looked up fellow family members, with 36 per cent looking for long lost friends. The survey also showed that while a majority of the people are more curious about themselves than anyone else, many people also look for information on the net about their prospective girlfriends and boyfriends to see if they have any dark secrets.

Help Make Blogs More Visible!

Help Make Blogs More Visible! Note: Html code to copy and paste this meme is here:

Help Make Blogs More Visible! Latest Code

NOTE: Be sure you paste live links for the Path List below. There are by some estimates more than a million weblogs. But most of them get no visibility in search engines. Only a few "A-List" blogs get into the top search engine results for a given topic, while the majority of blogs just don't get noticed. The reason is that the smaller blogs don't have enough links pointing to them. But this posting could solve that. Let's help the smaller blogs get more visibility! This posting is GoMeme 4.0. It is part of an experiment to see if we can create a blog posting that helps 1000's of blogs get higher rankings in Google. So far we have tried 3 earlier variations. Our first test, GoMeme 1.0, spread to nearly 740 blogs in 2.5 days. This new version 4.0 is shorter, simpler, and fits more easily into your blog. Why are we doing this? We want to help thousands of blogs get more visibility in Google and other search engines. How does it work? Just follow the instructions below to re-post this meme in your blog and add your URL to the end of the Path List below. As the meme spreads onwards from your blog, so will your URL. Later, when your blog is indexed by search engines, they will see the links pointing to your blog from all the downstream blogs that got this via you, which will cause them to rank your blog higher in search results. Everyone in the Path List below benefits in a similar way as this meme spreads. Try it! Instructions: Just copy this entire post and paste it into your blog. Then add your URL to the end of the path list below, and pass it on! Path List 1. Minding the Planet 2. Wireless LAN 3. Writing Resources 4. BillBoard 5. Stock Quotes Stock Trading Stock Help 6. Christmas All Year 7. Quotes from Famous People 8. Recipes at World Famous Recipes 9. Jobs and Employment 10. Quotes 11. Jokes and Humor 12. 480 Area Code Guide 13. Phoenix Arizona East Valley Community Index 14. HTTP in Phoenix AZ 15. Daily Bible Verse 16. Love Poems 18. World Famous Recipes 19. Recipes Recipe 20. Members Space 21. Search Engines - World Search News 22. (your URL goes here! But first, please copy this line and move it down to the next line for the next person). NOTE: Be sure you paste live links for the Path List or use HTML code.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

SEO Services - Search Engine Optimization Services - Arizona

SEO Services - Search Engine Optimization Services - Arizona

Google Search: world famous recipes

Google Search: world famous recipes

Search Engines & the Christmas Shopping Season

Search Engines & the Christmas Shopping Season Planning the Christmas Shopping Season It is that time of year again folks. As far as the calendar year is concerned, the sun has passed the yardarm and the winter holiday season is approaching faster than any of us think. In the world of search engine marketing, it is time to begin planning the all important online Christmas shopping season. Christmas is the most competitive portion of the year for E-Commerce websites. Like their cousins in the brick and mortar retail industry, the ten to twelve weeks preceding the holidays tends to comprise an enormous portion of their annual incomes. Article

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

“Paying to Play” on Search Engines Pays Off Big

Search Engine Advertising “Paying to Play” on Search Engines Pays Off Big Expert says this is the most cost effective direct marketing method. Thousand Oaks, CA, (PRWEB) August 3, 2004 -- When most businesses think of direct marketing, paying for search engine placement doesn’t even enter their minds. According to one expert, this could be a costly mistake. According to Entrepreneur magazine columnist Catherine Seda, paying for search engine placement is the most cost effective way to generate new leads. In a recent article, Seda wrote, “Online search is the most cost-effective direct marketing method. The average cost-per-lead from search is $0.29, far less than e-mail ($0.50), yellow pages ($1.18), banner ads ($2.00), and direct mail ($9.94).” “On search engines,” Seda says, “buyers are looking for someone to fill their needs. In many cases they’re already in shopping mode. Companies with prominent placement in search engines will very likely acquire these new customers.” Seda says it’s the reversal of this relationship that’s at the heart of search engine advertising’s success. In her new book, Search Engine Advertising , Buying Your Way to the Top to Increase Sales (New Riders Publishing 2004), Seda writes, “Instead of advertisers broadcasting their messages to consumers, search engines let millions of consumers each day tell advertisers exactly what they want.” According to Seda, most business owners are simply unaware of search engine advertising’s potential to grow their businesses, and even more are at a loss as to how to best utilize this marketing tool.

SEO Company - Search Engine Optimization Company - Arizona

SEO Company - Search Engine Optimization Company - Arizona

IHT: Search engines rev up in the race against Google

IHT: Search engines rev up in the race against Google When it comes to Internet searching - and the advertising dollars that come with it - everyone seems to be playing catch-up with Google, the No. 1 search engine, which is preparing for an initial public offering. . On Tuesday, Yahoo, the owner of the second-most-used Internet search engine, said it was starting to test a service that helps consumers search for information about local businesses. . Ask Jeeves, another search engine, also said on Tuesday that it had formed a partnership with IAC/InterActiveCorp's Citysearch group of Web sites, to get access to information with a local business focus. . The moves follow Microsoft's announcement on Monday that it was aiming to make search services customized so that results would be based on individual preferences and interests. . "We're going to make search extremely personal," Bill Gates, Microsoft's chief, told an audience of computer science and technology researchers. . The emergence of search as a key technology platform for computer users in their homes and offices, driving everything from online shopping to business research, took many in the high-tech industry by surprise. But what really has caught the attention of executives who once regarded search as an afterthought has been the recent explosion of search-enabled online advertising. Microsoft, for example, though still only the No. 3 player in search, saw a 43 percent growth in online advertising in the year ended June 30, enabling its MSN business to record a profit for the first time. "Search has become the Holy Grail for Microsoft," said Gene Walton, founder of Walton Holdings, an independent equities research firm in New York. "No one expected paid search ads to make so much money. It's a new trend, and it's a trend that no one thought was going to work. That's why Microsoft avoided it. Now they want in." . The company is investing $100 million to enhance search on its MSN consumer Internet service alone, and millions more on multiple search efforts throughout the company. . At this point MSN still relies on search technology licensed from Yahoo. But that will soon be changing. Microsoft developers are readying their own back-end search technology, expected to be installed in the next six to 12 months. . Yahoo also is preparing for the day when Microsoft drops Yahoo's search technology and installs its own technology on its MSN site. . Yahoo's new local service compiles information from Yahoo's sites, including maps, local guides, yellow page phone directory listings and professional restaurant reviews. Yahoo Local is adding user comments. . "They are looking for ways to bring in new advertisers by training users to do local searches," said Charlene Li, an analyst with Forrester Research in San Francisco. . The early lead in the search business was grabbed by Google, a start-up in Mountain View, California, that was incorporated in 1998 by Sergei Brin and Larry Page, computer science graduate students from Stanford University. . Google, which earned $79.1 million on revenue of $700.2 million in the second quarter, according to a document filed last week in connection with its coming initial public offering, makes most of its money through "paid placement" and "contextual" ads. The former surround regular search results on Google's pages, and are related to the search topics, while the latter appear next to related content on third-party sites to which Google provides search technology. . Google's platform was used for 36.8 percent of searches, followed by Yahoo with 26.6 percent, MSN with 14.5 percent, and the AOL unit of Time Warner with 12.8 percent, according to a May survey by comScore Networks, a consulting company in Reston, Virginia. . Still, Internet search companies including Google are seeing slower growth of their sales to national advertisers, and they are developing services to offer more finely focused information. Google itself began testing its own locally focused search engine in March. . Yahoo saw its second-quarter revenue rise only 10 percent from the first quarter, the slowest quarter-to-quarter growth in more than a year. Google reported a similar slowdown. Its second-quarter sales rose 7.5 percent from the first quarter, compared with 27 percent growth a quarter earlier, the company said last week in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. . (Bloomberg, Reuters, Boston Globe) .When it comes to Internet searching - and the advertising dollars that come with it - everyone seems to be playing catch-up with Google, the No. 1 search engine, which is preparing for an initial public offering. . On Tuesday, Yahoo, the owner of the second-most-used Internet search engine, said it was starting to test a service that helps consumers search for information about local businesses. . Ask Jeeves, another search engine, also said on Tuesday that it had formed a partnership with IAC/InterActiveCorp's Citysearch group of Web sites, to get access to information with a local business focus. . The moves follow Microsoft's announcement on Monday that it was aiming to make search services customized so that results would be based on individual preferences and interests. . "We're going to make search extremely personal," Bill Gates, Microsoft's chief, told an audience of computer science and technology researchers. . The emergence of search as a key technology platform for computer users in their homes and offices, driving everything from online shopping to business research, took many in the high-tech industry by surprise. But what really has caught the attention of executives who once regarded search as an afterthought has been the recent explosion of search-enabled online advertising. Microsoft, for example, though still only the No. 3 player in search, saw a 43 percent growth in online advertising in the year ended June 30, enabling its MSN business to record a profit for the first time. "Search has become the Holy Grail for Microsoft," said Gene Walton, founder of Walton Holdings, an independent equities research firm in New York. "No one expected paid search ads to make so much money. It's a new trend, and it's a trend that no one thought was going to work. That's why Microsoft avoided it. Now they want in." . The company is investing $100 million to enhance search on its MSN consumer Internet service alone, and millions more on multiple search efforts throughout the company. . At this point MSN still relies on search technology licensed from Yahoo. But that will soon be changing. Microsoft developers are readying their own back-end search technology, expected to be installed in the next six to 12 months. . Yahoo also is preparing for the day when Microsoft drops Yahoo's search technology and installs its own technology on its MSN site. . Yahoo's new local service compiles information from Yahoo's sites, including maps, local guides, yellow page phone directory listings and professional restaurant reviews. Yahoo Local is adding user comments. . "They are looking for ways to bring in new advertisers by training users to do local searches," said Charlene Li, an analyst with Forrester Research in San Francisco. . The early lead in the search business was grabbed by Google, a start-up in Mountain View, California, that was incorporated in 1998 by Sergei Brin and Larry Page, computer science graduate students from Stanford University. . Google, which earned $79.1 million on revenue of $700.2 million in the second quarter, according to a document filed last week in connection with its coming initial public offering, makes most of its money through "paid placement" and "contextual" ads. The former surround regular search results on Google's pages, and are related to the search topics, while the latter appear next to related content on third-party sites to which Google provides search technology. . Google's platform was used for 36.8 percent of searches, followed by Yahoo with 26.6 percent, MSN with 14.5 percent, and the AOL unit of Time Warner with 12.8 percent, according to a May survey by comScore Networks, a consulting company in Reston, Virginia. . Still, Internet search companies including Google are seeing slower growth of their sales to national advertisers, and they are developing services to offer more finely focused information. Google itself began testing its own locally focused search engine in March. . Yahoo saw its second-quarter revenue rise only 10 percent from the first quarter, the slowest quarter-to-quarter growth in more than a year. Google reported a similar slowdown. Its second-quarter sales rose 7.5 percent from the first quarter, compared with 27 percent growth a quarter earlier, the company said last week in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. . (Bloomberg, Reuters, Boston Globe) .When it comes to Internet searching - and the advertising dollars that come with it - everyone seems to be playing catch-up with Google, the No. 1 search engine, which is preparing for an initial public offering. . On Tuesday, Yahoo, the owner of the second-most-used Internet search engine, said it was starting to test a service that helps consumers search for information about local businesses. . Ask Jeeves, another search engine, also said on Tuesday that it had formed a partnership with IAC/InterActiveCorp's Citysearch group of Web sites, to get access to information with a local business focus. . The moves follow Microsoft's announcement on Monday that it was aiming to make search services customized so that results would be based on individual preferences and interests. . "We're going to make search extremely personal," Bill Gates, Microsoft's chief, told an audience of computer science and technology researchers.

Cash Advance

Cash Advance